Deploy and Call OCF

Deploy OCF

	"p": "ocf",
	"v": "0.1",
	"op": "deploy",
	"name": "func_name",
	"func": "fn valid_if(params: &[String]) -> bool { return true; }"
  • p&op: the same way they are used in BRC-20.

  • v: version

  • name: name of OCF

  • func: define a OCF function

    • must be in the format of fn valid_if(para: &[String]) -> bool {...exp}.

    • the length of params can not exceed 10 and params only support the &[String] type.

    • ...exp can only contain one expression. The current version only supports the use of operators, if branching statements and the system functions mentioned below, and does not support looping statements.

    • For more details about the syntax of OCF, see "Basic OCF Syntax" section.

Call OCF

	"p": "ocf",
	"op": "call",
	"name": "func_name",
	"params": ["a"]
  • params: parameters passed to the function are an array of strings.

Last updated